The Physical path to this virtual website is: <%=Server.MapPath("\")%>
2.我如何知道使用者所用的浏览器? 答:使用the Request object方法 strBrowser=Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") If Instr(strBrowser,"MSIE") <> 0 Then Response.redirect("ForMSIEOnly.htm") Else Response.redirect("ForAll.htm") End If 3.如何计算每天的平均反复访问人数 答:解决方法 <% startdate=DateDiff("d",Now,"01/01/1990") if strdate<0 then startdate=startdate*-1 avgvpd=Int((usercnt)/startdate) %> 显示结果 <% response.write(avgvpd) %> that is it.this page have been viewed since November 10,1998 4.如何显示随机图象 <% dim p,ppic,dpic ppic=12 randomize p=Int((ppic*rnd)+1) dpic="graphix/randompics/"&p&".gif" %> 显示